Português New Days Consultoria
Make it better

Newdays is a new generation of business consultancy, straightforward and dynamic.

We strive for success; we are committed to consistency and excellence in the delivery of measurable results and value addition.

We work in Brazil and abroad in areas such as planning, strategy, markets, finance and management in different segments.


What do we do?

We help our clients to reach their short-term, medium and long-term goals in an uncomplicated and dynamic way, through the understanding and analysis of their needs combined with the mapping and insights about the social, economical and geopolitical contexts. Present and future.



It is the beginning of everything. Sensibility, feeling and coherence are fundamental pillars to plan and guide our clients in the right direction, allied to constant monitoring and fine tuning of each phase.


We develop, enhance, implement and execute strategies for sectors of the industry, trade and services.


We evaluate opportunities, create, develop, enhance and expand markets & niches in Brazil and abroad.


We analyze and diagnose all of the relevant variables of our clients’ financial situation in a specific moment, as well as enlighten and drive their financial progress in order to create and maintain sustainability in the long run.


It should always be aligned with the philosophy of managers, investors and shareholders, respecting their history and purposes.

M & A

We conduct negotiations between shareholders and large investment groups, through depth experience in structuring M&A, Valuation and Due Diligence processes, including relationships with banks, financial market and investment funds, always in consonance with the risk and volatility market levels.



Cliente New Days
Cliente New Days
Cliente New Days
Cliente New Days
Cliente New Days
Cliente New Days
Cliente New Days
Cliente New Days
Cliente New Days
Cliente New Days
Cliente New Days
Cliente New Days


Rua Haddock Lobo, 1136 - C 122
Jardins - Cep: 01.414-002
São Paulo, SP - Brazil
